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Observatory of the region


The role of the solidarity sector in access to credit in the Bogotá Region

Analysis of the distribution of the credit portfolio of the solidarity sector in the jurisdiction of the CCB.

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Encuesta de Clima de los negocios en Bogotá 2022_1440x500Encuesta de Clima de los negocios en Bogotá 2022 375x180

Bogota Business Climate Survey 2023

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Gran Encuesta del Empresariado de la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá. Segunda aplicación 2022_1440x500Gran Encuesta del Empresariado de la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá. Segunda aplicación 2022 375x180

Bogota Chamber of Commerce Great Survey of Entrepreneurship. Second application 2022

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These are the topics you can find in this section:

About Observatory

The Observatory of the Bogotá Cundinamarca region seeks to broaden knowledge about the economic and social characteristics of the region.

Business dynamics

Learn about the business environment in Bogota and the region; its companies, growth and projection.

Economic analysis

Take a look at the business horizon of Bogota and the Region in terms of statistics and how the Colombian capital is positioned as the economic center and the most important development pole in Colombia.

Social analysis

The human component is a fundamental ally in the development of a region. We present the current affairs of the population of Bogota on social issues that impact the business fabric of the capital.

Business environment

We seek to make Bogota the ideal place for the creation of new companies, as well as for the consolidation and expansion of those already established, promoting sustainability, entrepreneurship and regional development.

Responsible Business Conduct

We want to have more and better companies that carry out favorable and inclusive practices for the good of society, with products and services that have a positive impact on the lives of each of their target audiences.


Knowing how Bogota is doing in different economic and social issues that derive in business activity is a task for all entrepreneurs and the community. In this section you will find access to the different surveys conducted by the CCB.

Learn about our contests

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Student Business Judging Competition

This activity is carried out annually for law students in the city of Bogotá and Cundinamarca.

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Data for Safety Contest

Competition on the use of data from the Perception and Victimization Survey (EPV) and the Business Risk Module of the Business Climate Survey (ECN) of the CCB.


Encuesta de Descarbonización y acción climática, segunda aplicación

Conoce los principales resultados de la Encuesta de Descarbonización y Acción Climática 2023 cuyo objetivo es Identificar y analizar la relación que tienen las empresas de la jurisdicción de la Cámara de Comercio respecto al cambio climático a nivel de conocimiento, contribución, gestión, retos y oportunidades.


Learn step-by-step how to register your company in the Sustainability Ranking

The Sustainability Ranking identifies the current status of companies in this area, providing a broad overview of their economic, environmental and social management.


Casos de éxito - Conducta Empresarial Responsable

Te invitamos a conocer la publicación de casos de éxito de empresas que se destacan por tener incorporados en sus modelos de negocio los enfoques enmarcados por la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá, en la estrategia de Conducta Empresarial Responsable - CER: estas experiencias buscan formar y sensibilizar sobre esta cultura empresarial y promover que más empresas se motiven en adoptar estas prácticas corporativas y así impactar positivamente el entorno de los negocios.


Survey of Business and Entrepreneurship of Bogota and the Region

Reference framework to guide decision making and the construction of public policy and strategies for business strengthening.


Survey of Business and Entrepreneurship of Bogota and the Region

Reference framework to guide decision making and the construction of public policy and strategies for business strengthening.


Guía del Empresariado: Responsabilidades Legales

La Guía resume las responsabilidades empresariales en cinco grandes categorías: Corporativas, Laborales, Contables, Tributarias y Cambiarias. Su cumplimiento resulta de gran relevancia para la adecuada gestión de las empresas, de acuerdo con la normatividad vigente.