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We serve business people and entrepreneurs so that there are more and better companies and achieve a more prosperous and equitable society in Bogota and the region.

We accompany companies in their different life cycles, provide legal security and develop actions to improve the competitive environment.

We work for the vindication of entrepreneurs, highlighting their contribution to economic and social development, through free services and tools for micro and small businesses, which represent 97% of the business fabric.

Fachada sede Salitre de la CCB
Higher purpose

We serve collectively so that there are more and better entrepreneurs, business people and companies, thus achieving a more prosperous and equitable society in Bogota and the region. 


Validation of Human Resources Certificates CCB

These are the topics that you can find in this section

Nosotros CCB Dashboard
About us

We work dynamically for the consolidation of the business sector, generating a high impact on the people who build enterprises.

La ICC CCB Dashboard

We facilitate the international operation of companies.

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Transparency law

Know and exercise your right to access national public information.

Icono Cooperación
Presidents' Forum

We are a team of business leaders working to improve the business environment, making it more competitive.