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Registry services

We accompany companies in their different life cycles, provide legal certainty and develop actions that improve the competitive environment.

We work for the vindication of the entrepreneur through free services and tools for micro and small businesses, which represent 97% of the business fabric.

Remember that in order to carry out procedures and consultations in our online services, you must use the virtual password; a personal and non-transferable tool that offers you total technical and legal security, which you can obtain here.

These are the topics that you can find in this section

Registry services

Commercial IDs

Get to know all the information related to Commercial ID's and their procedures.

Empresarial card guru

Access all the information and benefits you can get when you renew.

Idea card guru

We advise you on how to create a company, as well as on the different procedures to be carried out in your process.

Icono plan

We present all the information related to the different types of registrations, their procedures and regulations.


Learn about the certificates issued by the CCB, its regulations, requirements and different related aspects.

Icono Presupuesto
Registrations and refunds

In this section you will find the information required to make any kind of registration or request a refund.

Circulo de afiliados

This space is intended for you, who are affiliated to the CCB, with exclusive services for you.

Icono Fuente
Complementary services

The CCB offers you different services and tools so that you can complement each of your procedures and complete them successfully.

Servicios registrales

Consult and make requests and appeals on the public records of the CCB.


Check the response times of our registration services


If you have any questions you can consult our frequently asked questions