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Terms and Conditions

Terms, Conditions of Use of the website and Chat and WhatsApp services; and Legal Notice of the website of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce (CCB).

Welcome to the web page of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce (hereinafter "CCB"), which has been designed to provide you (hereinafter the "User") with access to the most complete information on the page.

These General Conditions, Legal Notice, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (hereinafter "General Conditions of Use") regulate the use of the web page "" (the "Web Page") and the institutional chat that the CCB makes available to you as a User.

The CCB reserves the right to modify at any time these General Conditions of Use, as well as any other general or particular conditions, regulations of use, instructions or notices that may be applicable. Such modifications will be published by the CCB in the Web Page and the User will assume the responsibility of reviewing the applicable General Conditions of Use each time he/she enters the page.

Know the Terms and Conditions of the site

Terms and Conditions of Use of CCB Chat

About the use of the CCB brand

The Chamber of Commerce of Bogota informs businessmen and citizens that:

Unscrupulous people are using the name and brand of the entity improperly to offer credits, jobs, training courses, among other services, which are not promoted or supported by the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota.

All information on events and activities promoted and supported by this entity can be found on this website. If you have any questions about our services, please contact our Immediate Response Line: 6013830330.

It is important to remember that the usurpation of a legally protected trademark is classified as a crime and therefore carries penal and civil sanctions.