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At the CCB we support the creation of new companies that nurture the business environment of Bogota and the region, guiding you in everything related to the formalization of your project, providing legal and administrative support, in order to make this process easier, so that you can start and achieve your business dream.

We offer you a wide portfolio of services, designed based on the needs of entrepreneurs and which you can access completely free of charge. A support for the growth, development and strengthening of your company.

Learn here about our free courses to strengthen your business!

Evaluate your project or business idea

By evaluating and analyzing your business project or business idea, you will be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your business and thus define a path of integral services tailored to your needs.


We present you our offer of free live courses and VFE events

These are the topics that you can find in this section

Icon Idea
Create your company

Take your first step on the entrepreneurial path. Select the type of company you are going to create, identify the profile of your business and learn how to structure your project.

Estrategia empresarial
Business support and sustainability

We offer you all the tools to strengthen and improve your business activity in the areas of economic reactivation, investment, finance, alliances, legal support, sales and internationalization, among others.

Afiliados empresarial
Affiliates Circle

Join the CCB Affiliates Circle and become part of a community of entrepreneurs with clear objectives. Learn about the affiliation process and all the benefits you will have for having your membership.

Empresarial page
Business Sectors

Identify your business sector and learn more about the sectoral initiatives offered by the CCB, in order to achieve greater productivity and competitiveness.