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Ranking de sostenibilidad

The Sustainability Ranking is a self-assessment exercise for companies that allows, on the one hand, to identify their current status in terms of sustainability; and on the other hand, to make visible those companies that have a solid management in the economic, environmental and social dimensions.

Benefits of participating in the Sustainability Ranking of the Bogota Chamber of Commerce:

  • The self-assessment that makes up the CCB Sustainability Ranking, allows companies to determine the degree of progress they are making in terms of sustainable management and identify the main challenges to be addressed.

  • Through the self-assessment that companies can perform with the CCB Sustainability Ranking tool, they analyze their activities against the guidelines and directives of different standards and initiatives of worldwide reference in sustainability.

  • The CCB Sustainability Ranking allows companies to establish a first action route to manage the impacts of their activities and the opportunities for improvement identified in terms of sustainability.

  • Regardless of the size of the company, the sector to which it belongs or the actions it has developed in sustainability management, any organization can perform the self-assessment of the Ranking and thus have concrete recommendations to continue advancing in this purpose.

Here you will find the step by step to be part of the Ranking:


Register your company in the Sustainability Ranking

Enter our Business Diagnostic and Improvement Tool platform, where you will be able to carry out this registration.


Learn the step-by-step instructions to register your company

We explain the step-by-step process to successfully complete your registration to the Sustainability Ranking.

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