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Observatory of the region

The Observatory of the Bogota Cundinamarca region is a service of the Bogota Chamber of Commerce CCB, whose purpose is to expand the information and knowledge of entrepreneurs, authorities and the community about the economic, business and social characteristics, as well as the situation and prospects of the first region of Colombia, and one of the most important in Latin America.

The Observatory integrates several information systems that allow the user to access a web page, an "Open Data" data portal and a geographic portal. In addition, a news section, the Virtual Library and the CCB's Portfolio of Services, which can be consulted virtually and on mobile devices.

The information is organized in three axes:

  • Dynamic, inclusive and innovative economy with indicators and information on economic growth, foreign trade, labor market, business dynamics, competitive positioning, population, poverty and inequality, innovation and sectors.

  • Favorable business environment, including indicators and information on human talent, security and coexistence, peace building, culture of legality and justice, governance and simplification of procedures.

  • Orderly and sustainable region, with indicators and information on environmental sustainability, mobility, and urban and regional development.

The Observatory of Bogota and the Region is prepared with information from recognized official entities and national and international organizations such as DANE, the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Banco de la República, Fedesarrollo, Bogotá Cómo Vamos, América Economía Intelligence, World Bank, Cepec, AT Kearney, ECLAC, WTO and the CCB, among others.

Meet the Observatory of the Bogota Region

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