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CIT Territorial Integration Committee

The Territorial Integration Committees (CIT) are "collegiate bodies in which the competent authorities will coordinate the implementation of land use plans and the presentation of the strategic vision for the future development of the area of territorial influence" in accordance with the provisions of Law 614 of 2000.

The constitution of the CIT is mandatory between the municipalities of the same department that have an area of influence greater than 500,000 inhabitants, and where there are conurbation phenomena or close relationships in the use of land and the provision of services that make the articulation of land management plans indispensable.

The CIT is made up of Bogota and its surrounding municipalities and was created in 2015, within the framework of the Bogota - Cundinamarca Regional Competitiveness Commission and with the support of the CCB and the United Nations Center for Regional Development (UNCRD).

The process of constituting this Committee was carried out in three stages:

1. Negotiation and consensus building, where the need to form this collegiate body became evident and a technical area of influence of 35 municipalities, including Bogota, was defined by means of an agreement.

2. Construction of the technical support documentation, in which the technical bases of the CIT were established and a map of the area of influence was drawn up by consensus, which by then included the municipalities of Chía, Cota, Sopó, Fusagasugá, La Calera, Mosquera, Sibaté, Soacha and Bogotá.

3. Creation of the CIT through the signing of an Act of constitution and conformation by the nine municipalities, the Government of Cundinamarca and the CAR.

During 2016, the CIT began a process of consolidation, becoming the space for dialogue and articulation of integration initiatives such as Región Vida, which linked the representatives of unions and NGOs established by law, included 4 more municipalities (Sesquilé, Guasca, Guatavita, Granada) in its area of technical influence and incorporated 11 municipalities to the area of consensual influence.

The presidency of the CIT is in charge of the mayor of the municipality of Chía, Leonardo Donoso Ruiz, and the Technical Secretariat of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá.

What it is for


The CIT establishes mechanisms for the integration, coordination and articulation of the Territorial Management Plans of the territorial entities that comprise it, contributing to the planning of the processes of future occupation of the territory. In addition, it allows the organization of the provision of public services among its members, in order to guarantee a more efficient provision of such services to the citizens.

In turn, it promotes the adoption of a geo-referenced socioeconomic and physical-environmental information system to facilitate the exchange of information for the planning and follow-up of land-use planning decisions.

  • Articulate land-use planning models among the territorial entities that make up the region.

  • Build and agree on the strategic vision for the future development of the region, taking into account factors such as environmental sustainability focused on environmental assets and water resources (Bogotá River and moorlands), the agro-industrial vocation of the region, regional tourism, public services, food security, road connectivity, among others.

  • Coordinate actions in the development of the topics defined as priorities by the members: Bogotá river and moorlands, block water sales, regional connectivity, housing, productive chains, modification and adjustment to Law 388 of 1997, technical assistance and horizontal cooperation, equipment and integrated solid waste management.

  • Define an urban development and housing model according to the needs of the members.

The following are the objectives defined as priorities by the IAC members.
  • Bogota River and moorlands. Identify joint actions for the recovery, protection and conservation of the Bogotá River and the moorland system.

  • Sale of water in block. Coordinate the sale of water by EAAB to the municipalities.

  • Regional Connectivity and Integrated Regional Transportation System. Identify, coordinate and execute the development of road and multimodal transportation projects for the region.

  • Housing. Define a housing location strategy in the region, especially for Social Interest Housing (VIS) and Priority Interest Housing (VIP).

  • Productive linkages, localization of productive activities and strengthening of clusters. Strengthen the region's productivity and competitiveness, and achieve conditions of complementarity and equity, through the identification and implementation of regional productive projects and strategies.

  • Proposal for modification and adjustment of Law 388 of 1997. Advance a review process of said law and identify the issues that need to be modified, to be presented for consideration of the National Government and the region's parliamentarians.

  • Technical assistance - Horizontal technical cooperation. Strengthen the institutional capacity of the region's municipalities through the implementation of a technical assistance or horizontal technical cooperation agenda.

  • Equipment and location of general regional services. Make agreements for the strategic location of regional services (health, education, supply, recreation and risk management).

  • Integrated solid waste management. Find a more appropriate and sustainable regional waste disposal system for the territory.

Documents of the Technical Secretariat


In this space you will find the minutes of the ordinary and extraordinary sessions held by the Territorial Integration Committee of Bogotá D. C. and the municipalities of Cundinamarca, as well as the documents of constitution and bylaws.

Library and documents of interest


The following is the CIT's technical and legal acquis.


Concerted regional agenda 2020 - 2031 Gran Sabana, capital region

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