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Register of Non-Profit Organizations - NPO

Non-Profit Entities are legal entities that are constituted by the will of association or creation of one or more persons (natural or legal) to carry out activities for the benefit of associates, third parties or the community in general. Esal's do not seek to distribute profits among its members.

Other information of interest to you

Types of ESAL
  • Associations, corporations and foundations.

  • Solidarity economy entities (cooperatives, pre-cooperatives, employee funds, mutual associations).

  • Citizen overseers.

  • Foreign Non-Profit Private Law Entities domiciled abroad.

  • Auxiliary Institutions of Cooperativism and second and third degree Organism.


After registering the registration of your entity, you must:

  • Register the minute books required by law.

  • Deliver the certificate of existence and legal representation and a copy of the registered documents (bylaws and minutes) to the entity that exercises inspection, surveillance and control.

  • Perform labor and industrial safety procedures.

  • If the Non-Profit Entity requires an environmental license, you must apply for it at the Administrative Department of the Environment (DAMA) or at the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cundinamarca (CAR).


Learn all about Esal with our digital Brochure


The CCB guides you through the ESAL incorporation process

Non-Profit Entity Registration Guides


The National Government issued Decree 019 of 2012, which requires, as of 2013, all Non-Profit Entities registered in the chambers of commerce to renew their registration annually within the first three months of each year in accordance with the Public Registry Tariffs 2023.

Which entities must renew their registration? All entities registered in the Registry of Non-Profit Entities:

  • Associations, corporations and foundations.

  • Solidarity economy entities (cooperatives, pre-cooperatives, employee funds, mutual associations).

  • Citizen overseers.

  • Foreign non-profit private law entities domiciled abroad.

Before making the renewal, have at hand:

  • The financial information of your entity (assets and financial information of the general balance sheet as of December of the immediately preceding year).

  • The virtual key.

  • ISIC code of the economic activity performed by your entity. If you have two or more, choose the code of the economic activity that has generated the most income in the last year.

Do not forget that, according to Resolution 139, since December 1, 2012, interested parties must consult their ISIC code.


Renew your ESAL registration easily and securely

Remember that by renewing the registration of your non-profit organization you can access these benefits.


Vademecum of Registry (Esales)

Non-Profit Entity Registration Guides


Consult and download the Non-Profit Entities Registry Guides (ESAL) with general information on the legal aspects that must be met by the acts and documents subject to registration in this public registry.

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Guide number 1

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Guide number 2

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Guide number 3

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Guide number 4

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Guide number 5

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Guide number 6

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Guide number 7

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Guide number 8

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