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Oversight register

This registry corresponds to the different organizations that exercise oversight over:

1. Public Management: Administrative, political, judicial, electoral, legislative authorities and control bodies.

2. Public or private entities: Non-governmental organizations of national or international character operating in the country, in charge of the execution of a program, project, contract or the provision of a public service. 

For more information, please refer to Article 1 of Law 850 of 2003.

Formalities related to this registration:

  • Constitution of the veeduría or network of veedurías.

  • Cancellation of the registration of the veeduría or network of veedurías.

  • Annual renewal of the registration of the veeduría or network of veedurías.

  • Registration and recognition of the citizen oversight network.

  • Registration of all acts and documents provided for non-profit legal entities.

Registration procedure

Civil organizations, citizens or citizens will proceed to democratically elect the overseers; then they will prepare a document or act of incorporation in which the name of the members, identity document, the purpose of the surveillance, territorial level, duration and place of residence are stated.

These procedures can be carried out in person at any of .

In accordance with the law, the response time of the Chamber of Commerce  of Bogota for this registration is 15 working days from the date of filing.


Veedurías networks - Law 1757 of July 6, 2015

Click on the following link to consult the veedurías reported to RUES by the personerías, indigenous councils and chambers of commerce in compliance with Circular 002 issued by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce.


Veedurias Consultation

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