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Land Management Plan of the municipalities

At the CCB, we have created spaces for dialogue and public-private articulation to formulate recommendations and proposals to advance the formulation of the POTs in the different municipalities that are part of our jurisdiction. Find out the status of the revision processes of the POT of the municipalities under the jurisdiction of the CCB.

POT of Fusagasugá


The Bogotá Chamber of Commerce held a working group with the business sector on April 4, 2024. In order to contribute to the regulation of the Land Management Plan - POT, a planning instrument for the next 12 years.

The document is the result of the technical analysis of the CCB team and the contributions and requests made by the business sector to the revision of Agreement 100-02.01-10 of 2023, identifying the issues to be regulated and the alerts of the regulatory strategy.

If you wish to consult this document you can access the following link

Adopción del POT de Fusagasugá


Ubaté POT


The Bogotá Chamber of Commerce (CCB) prepared a document with recommendations for the draft agreement presented by the municipality to the Regional Autonomous Corporation - CAR. On March 14, 2024, in partnership with the municipality of Ubaté, the CCB held an event to socialize this planning instrument, aimed at the business sector. During this event, the entity presented its observations on the Basic Land Management Plan (PBOT).


Observations and recommendations of the business sector to the draft Agreement of the PBOT of Ubaté

Arbeláez POT


The Bogota Chamber of Commerce provided technical support to the municipality in 2023 with observations and recommendations on the progress of the Arbeláez Land Use Planning Scheme on issues of interest to the business sector. Below, you can consult the document submitted to the planning secretariat of the municipality as an input to the process of formulating the EOT of the municipality:


Observations and recommendations to the Draft Agreement of the EOT of Arbeláez - progress of the formulation process.

POT Zipaquirá


The Bogotá Chamber of Commerce has been a key player in the development of Zipaquirá's Land Use Plan (POT), providing ongoing analysis and recommendations. In February 2023, we submitted a document with strategic recommendations to the planning secretariat, highlighting the protection of existing activities, the integration of the artisanal industry and logistics services in land use, and the inclusion of cargo transportation in the mobility system. In addition, we have promoted active participation in the formulation of the POT and the creation of clear regulations to attract investment.


Recording of the event held in April 2021


Observations and recommendations to the POT of Zipaquirá

POT Soacha


In 2023, the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce offered technical support to the municipality of Soacha for the POT project, focusing on business interests. Recommendations provided to the planning secretariat included the evaluation of population growth, economic integration of Soacha, environmental sustainability, improvement of common spaces, development of transportation infrastructure, implementation of urban regulations, and planning of essential projects. In addition, the importance of administrative and financial tools for the POT was highlighted. In 2020, the Chamber collaborated with ProBogotá and Camacol in working groups to gather business proposals, which were presented to the Mayor, thus contributing to the development of Soacha's POT.


Recommendations to Soacha's POT

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