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Regional development

A fundamental commitment of our institution

We help build a collective vision of the opportunities and potential of the region to facilitate the management of public and private actors.

Therefore, at the CCB we lead strategies based on the articulation and mobilization of public and private allies, the management of projects and resources, and the construction of knowledge. We promote programs aimed at competitiveness and regional integration and work to strengthen the network of Chambers of Commerce in the Central-South Region of the country and contribute to the competitiveness of their areas of influence.

The CCB works in the articulation of public and private actors and in the management of projects to promote regional integration and development in Cundinamarca. To this end, it works in three priority areas: greater presence of the CCB in the region; management of initiatives and projects for regional competitiveness; and support for regional integration processes.

CCB programs and services

Strengthening our presence in the Bogota - Cundinamarca region

We bring CCB programs and services to the municipalities in our area of influence to promote competitiveness and improve the business environment in the region. The action fronts in which the CCB works directly are:

  • Services for the registration and legal formation of commercial companies and non-profit entities; registration of bidders wishing to contract with the State, National Tourism Registry and other registries administered by the CCB. These services are offered through the regional offices in Cazucá, Fusagasugá and Zipaquirá and the Mobile Chamber, an itinerant service provision scheme.

  • Support for business creation and growth: the CCB has an innovative business services model that supports the creation of new businesses, the formalization of informal productive units, and the strengthening of companies already operating in the market.

  • Programs to improve the business environment: in the region, the CCB advises municipalities on the definition and adjustment of land-use plans, urban management and security projects, and the creation of economic and social observatories.

  • Promotion of peaceful coexistence: to help resolve conflicts and disputes, the CCB organizes school and community conciliation workshops in the region.

  • Corporate environmental management and cleaner production: the CCB develops environmental management programs in various municipalities in Cundinamarca.

Competitiveness concertation scenarios


We articulate public, private and academic actors in joint construction processes.

We are part of the Regional Competitiveness Commission (CRC) of Bogota and Cundinamarca, an instance that articulates public and private actors for the definition of programs and projects that contribute to economic and social development. As part of the CRC, we coordinate the Regional Integration Board and promote the creation and strengthening of the Provincial Competitiveness Boards.

In 2010, the Regional Competitiveness Commission delivered the Regional Plan 2010 - 2019, which defines three fundamental strategic axes:

  • Transversal strategic axis: aimed at the development of projects related to the internationalization of the region, the development of infrastructure and connectivity, the management of human capital and innovation projects and actions for environmental sustainability.

  • Sectoral strategic axis: aimed at developing projects to support productive transformation and cluster development.

  • Subregional strategic axis: focused on promoting the linkage of the municipalities and provinces of Cundinamarca to the regional competitiveness management process.


Regional Competitiveness Plan

Regional Integration Table

Created with the aim of strengthening the dialogue between the thematic roundtables of the commission and the provincial competitiveness roundtables, promoting the articulation of the subregions in regional projects and initiatives, consolidating regional integration processes and generating greater synergy among stakeholders. The participants in this thematic roundtable are:

  • The Secretaries of Economic Development and Planning of the Office of the Mayor of Bogota.

  • The Government of Cundinamarca, through the secretariats of Competitiveness and Economic Development, Science, Technology and Innovation, and Regional Integration.

  • Fenalco Bogotá.

  • Minuto de Dios University, Uniminuto.

  • The Chambers of Commerce of Bogotá, Facatativá and Girardot.

Provincial Competitiveness Committees

Within the framework of the subregional strategic axis, the Government of Cundinamarca and the CCB have promoted the creation and implementation of the Competitiveness Roundtables in some provinces of the department as scenarios for public-private agreement and coordination on a subregional scale, with the purpose of identifying and managing impact projects in the provinces that transcend the scope of the municipalities to have an impact on the region's competitiveness.

Likewise, in the last four years, the Competitiveness Plans of the fifteen (15) provinces of Cundinamarca, co-financed by the Government of Cundinamarca and the Bogota Chamber of Commerce, were formulated, identifying cross-cutting and sectoral project agendas with an impact on the development of the provinces. These plans emerged as inputs to guide the work of the Provincial Competitiveness Committees.

Almeidas' competitiveness plan

Alto Magdalena Competitiveness Plan

Lower Magdalena Competitiveness Plan

Gualivá Competitiveness Plan

Guavio Competitiveness Plan

Competitiveness Plan for Magdalena

Medina Competitiveness Plan

Orient Competitiveness Plan

Rionegro Competitiveness Plan

Sabana Centro Competitiveness Plan

Sabana Occidente Competitiveness Plan

Plan de competitividad de Soacha

Sumapaz Competitiveness Plan

Tequendama Competitiveness Plan

Ubaté Competitiveness Plan

Regional projects


Through strategic projects, we translate the road to regional competitiveness into concrete actions.

We formulate and manage strategic projects for the productivity and competitiveness of Cundinamarca and its provinces (sub-regions), articulated with the projects of the Regional Competitiveness Commission. As a result of the management of the Provincial Competitiveness Boards and the articulation processes promoted in the subregions of Cundinamarca, projects and initiatives are proposed and managed to improve their competitiveness conditions, the business environment and to enhance the productivity of their territories.

Regional integration processes


We promote initiatives that integrate Bogota with Cundinamarca and the department with other regions.

We accompany and support the construction of shared visions and common agendas between Bogota, territorial authorities and allied institutions, supporting initiatives such as the RAPE Central Region and the creation of the Territorial Integration Committee, formed by Bogota and the municipalities of La Sabana. Regional integration is a priority to strengthen the competitive advantages of the territories and manage projects that contribute to their economic development, well-being and prosperity, where the territorial entities are able to articulate their will, resources and talents. In this field, we support two particularly important processes:

  • RAPE Central Region: the Special Administrative and Planning Region is an integration process between the departments of Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Meta and Tolima, and Bogotá. The RAPE Central Region was formally constituted on September 25, 2014, through an agreement signed between the governors of these territorial entities. The five strategic axes of the Central Region RAPE are:

  1. Ecosystem sustainability and risk management.

  2. Transportation, logistics and public services infrastructures.

  3. Competitiveness and international projection.

  4. Food security and rural economy.

  5. Governance and good government.

  • Territorial Integration Committee (CIT): as a space for dialogue, coordination and joint work between Bogota and the municipalities of the Cundinamarca Savannah, the CCB supports the creation of the CIT, whose main purpose is to achieve better governance of the La Sabana region and promote its sustainable development, based on the harmonization of its planning and land management instruments. The CIT seeks to consolidate solutions to problems related to land use, public services, mobility, infrastructure, connectivity, environmental management and climate change, among others.

Regional initiatives


We bring various institutions closer to the region, providing solutions for entrepreneurship and business activity.

We lead events such as business services fairs in the provinces, specialized sector forums and workshops on entrepreneurial and innovative culture with young people to share knowledge, exchange experiences and develop collaborative construction processes.

  • Business Services Fairs: within the framework of the Regional Management strategy implemented by the CCB, the Business Services Fairs are held, where services of various allied entities are presented for the promotion of entrepreneurship, business creation and business strengthening. During 2014, fairs were held in the provinces of Ubaté, Sumapaz and Sabana Centro, providing more than 70 services, including workshops, lectures, counseling and personalized guidance in the areas of early entrepreneurship, formalization, business creation, financing and business strengthening.


Strategic plan for the intermunicipal development of the Sabana de Bogota to 2051

Some results to highlight:

Province of Ubaté, in the municipality of Ubaté: 1,817 people attended, 23 workshops and advisory services provided, 3 early entrepreneurship workshops, business showcase with 8 companies from the region, 33 new registrations and 10 renewals, 57 registrations and 50 updates to the RUT. See the photo gallery.

Sumapaz Province, in the municipality of Fusagasugá: 3,321 people attended, 23 services provided, two early entrepreneurship workshops, 24 companies in the business show, 64 new registrations and 15 renewals, 47 conciliation hearings. See the photo gallery.

Province of Sabana Centro, in the municipality of Zipaquirá: 1,771 people attended, 24 services provided, 4 early entrepreneurship workshops, 28 companies participating in the business show, 112 registrations and updates to the RUT (DIAN), 140 conciliation hearings in equity, 10 cases for treatment of Mipyme Arbitration, 42 legal orientations (C.A.C.) and a business roundtable of the dairy sector. See the photo gallery.

More than 30 institutions that promote and support business development, such as Bancóldex, CAR, DIAN, SENA, SIC, municipal mayors' offices, universities, among others, are actively participating in the development of the Business Services Fairs in the provinces, providing guidance, facilitating procedures and contributing activities to the academic agendas. The next Business Services Fairs will be held in the provinces of Almeidas, Oriente, Guavio and Soacha.

  • Specialized sectoral forums: based on the main productive vocations of each province of Cundinamarca, we develop forums and meetings to analyze situations, development opportunities and challenges of the priority sectors in each sub-region. These forums and meetings have the active participation of entrepreneurs, business associations, municipal and departmental authorities, academia and sector specialists.

  • Entrepreneurial and innovative culture workshops with young people: to contribute to the strengthening of skills that allow them to be productive and build their best future, we conduct workshops that promote entrepreneurial and innovative culture in young people from schools and universities in Cundinamarca. Through these workshops, young people live and experience what it means to undertake, innovate, propose and act in order to be successful and competitive.

Information and knowledge


We build and disseminate knowledge about Bogota and the region.

We build and disseminate knowledge about the business, economic and social reality of Cundinamarca, its provinces and municipalities, to make known the situation, potential and opportunities of the region. Input that facilitates decision making by various public and private organizations.

The Regional Management Directorate of the Bogota Chamber of Commerce consolidates information on the 59 municipalities in the jurisdiction, generating detailed general and specific reports on their economic characterization and business vocation, based on information from the Commercial Registry and other sources. This consolidation is based on the geographic location of the companies, identifying the type of organization (natural person or type of company), the size of the companies, the sector (commerce, industry and services) and main economic activities, age with respect to their incorporation, whether they import or export, the contribution to the GDP of each municipality, among others.

  1. Economic and business characterization of nineteen municipalities of Cundinamarca

  2. State of Bogota Region: situation and challenges of Bogota and Cundinamarca

  3. Economic and business profile of the Los Mártires district.

  4. Economic and Business Profile of the Suba Localities

  5. Economic and Business Profile : Bosa District

  6. Economic and Business Profile : Tunjuelito District

  7. Economic and Business Profile : Usaquén District

  8. Business and economic profile : San Cristóbal

  9. Economic and Business Profile : Santafé District

  10. Business and economic profile : Rafael Uribe Uribe

  11. Economic and Business Profile : Localidad Teusaquillo

  12. Economic and Business Profile : Puente Aranda District

  13. Business and economic profile : Ciudad Bolívar

  14. Economic and Business Profile : Kennedy District

  15. Economic and Business Profile : Fontibón District

  16. Economic and Business Profile: Localidad Antonio Nariño

  17. Economic and Business Profile : Engativá District

  18. Economic and Business Profile : La Candelaria District

  19. Economic and Business Profile : Barrios Unidos District

  20. Economic and Business Profile : Chapinero District

  21. Economic and business characterization of the provinces covered by the BCC : Medina

  22. Economic and business characterization of the provinces covered by the CCB : Ubaté

  23. Economic and business characterization of the provinces covered by the CCB: Sabana Centro.

  24. Economic and business characterization of the provinces covered by the CCB : Soacha..

  25. Economic and business characterization of the provinces covered by the CCB : Guavio

  26. Economic and entrepreneurial characterization of the provinces covered by the CCB : Sumapaz

  27. Economic and business characterization of the provinces covered by the CCB : Almeidas Province

  28. Economic and business characterization of the provinces covered by the CCB: Central Savannah.

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