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Cundinamarca Competitiveness Index


Sabana Centro and Sabana Occidente lead this index, they are leaders in: infrastructure, market size and diversification. In general, the provinces do not achieve superior performance in these areas: institutions, health, market efficiency and environmental sustainability. In basic and secondary education, higher education and innovation and business dynamics only in Sabana Centro reaches a superior performance. This is a great work that the department has to do to improve this index, which is key for development.


This is the first measurement of the competitiveness index of the 15 provinces of Cundinamarca (ICPC) 2018, which is intended to help departmental entities, municipal administrations and other territorial agents of the department of Cundinamarca identify the main strengths and competitive challenges of their territories and, in this way, improve the relevance of public policies and private strategies in the topics analyzed in each of the pillars, sub-pillars and variables that make up the ICPC. The values and scores presented are in a standardized range from 0 to 10, in which 10 is the best possible result.

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Universidad del Rosario (CEPEC) y Gobernación de Cundinamarca. 2018. (ICPC).

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