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Companies renewed and registered 2019, according to province in Cundinamarca


Bogota consolidated its position as the most important business agglomeration in the country (29 %). Likewise, in the Region, the majority (88 %) of the companies are located in Bogotá and in Cundinamarca (15 %), especially in the municipalities of the provinces of Sabana Centro (4.6 %), Sabana Occidente (4.5 %), Alto Magdalena (2.5 %), Soacha (2 %) and Sumapaz (1.6 %). This trend towards concentration in Bogota is similar in business investment, with 98% of the value of business assets concentrated in the capital and 12% in Cundinamarca.


Companies in Bogota and 59 municipalities within the jurisdiction of the CCB in Cundinamarca are registered and renewed at the Commercial Registry of the Bogota Chamber of Commerce (CCB).

Icono fuente


Direction of knowledge management, based on the Mercantile Registry, Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá. 2019.

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