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We strengthen your sector

Responding to each of the needs of the different productive environments, the CCB offers specialized portfolios that generate greater competitiveness in the fashion, construction and energy, health and chemicals, creative and content industries, tourism, food and business services sectors.


Do you want to know which sector you belong to?

Enter a keyword that defines your business activity.

These are the topics that you can find in this section

Construction and energy

This sector is comprised of companies engaged in the manufacture and marketing of inputs, architecture and design, construction of buildings and civil works, as well as real estate activities, energy supply, and the production and marketing of related goods and services.

Health for all

It is made up of different activities that transform elements of nature into products for daily life, health, welfare, veterinary activities, fertilizers, pesticides, rubbers, plastics, petrochemicals, paints and other chemical substances.

Creative and cultural industries

It uses creativity, intellectual property, culture and connectivity as inputs, and is dedicated to the creation, production, promotion and distribution of creative, cultural and graphic content goods and services.

Tourism, recreation and sports

The tourism and gastronomy industry is made up of companies that develop activities such as transport, cooking, hotels and those that generate infrastructure to potentiate cultural exchange and the promotion of the orange economy.

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Food security

It integrates companies related to the agricultural, livestock and fishing sectors, as well as producers of primary activity inputs; the food processing and gastronomic industry.

Icono News
Printing and Packaging

This initiative seeks to position Bogota as a leader in Latin America in terms of quality and compliance in the design and production of printed matter, packaging and labels.


It brings together companies that provide solutions in the production of inputs and raw materials, design and marketing of clothing, jewelry and costume jewelry, leather, footwear and leather goods.

servicios empresariales
Business services

It includes activities of companies in the financial sector and those that provide logistics, consulting, human resources and installation, maintenance, equipment rental, among others.

Cross-cutting services

We develop an offer of services for cluster companies, complementing the offer of sectorial support, generating spaces for intercluster articulation, working on issues of environmental sustainability, human talent and employability, and business and connections.

Access the entire portfolio of services we have created for your sector.


We present the progress achieved in 2022