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Gofest 2024 has started! We are waiting for you at Ágora - Bogotá

Evento sin costo

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See the agenda of the event. Free of charge.

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When and where?

This year we will meet at Agora Bogotá on August 28, 29 and 30. *Free inscription


When and where?

Three days of innovation and unmissable talks to revolutionize the now. *Event free of charge

The time has come to revolutionize the now!

It's your time


We seek to unite the entrepreneurship ecosystem; make visible, inspire and promote new business ideas and startups; and generate new opportunities to develop innovative business initiatives.

  • An average of 10,000 attendees each year during the 3-day event.
  • In 2023 we will reach 24,137 participants.

Conoce a nuestros speakers:

Hernan Kazah

Why Gofest?


We are working to make Bogota and Colombia a great hub for entrepreneurship in Latin America and for this we created a festival that connects and energizes the ecosystem.

  • We created Gofest, to connect, make visible and attract relevant people around the world interested in learning about and taking advantage of the opportunities of the ecosystem. Bogota has positioned itself as one of the cities that has had a significant development in its entrepreneurship ecosystem.

  • According to StartupBlink's "Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2023" report, Bogota ranks third in Latin America, having climbed two positions with respect to 2022. Globally, Bogota moved from 77th place in 2021 to 65th place in 2023, climbing 12 positions in the overall ranking.

For those who?


Gofest is a great bet that has become one of the most important entrepreneurship festivals in Latin America, and which will continue to grow with the participation of:

  • Startups and high-impact ventures that seek solutions to the challenges of humanity.

  • Ecosystem support entities that strengthen connections.

  • People from the corporate world, not satisfied with the now and interested in constant innovation.

  • Investors looking to leverage disruptive and real projects, people and ventures

  • Young people who go beyond and want to solve problems in a different way through entrepreneurship

  • Creative, curious, and passionate about entrepreneurship and innovation, who know that THE FUTURE IS NOW.

Attributes Gofest 2024


The magic of the event is in the people. Together with partners and sponsors, we will create the best connection experiences in memorable spaces.

What will you find at the festival?


This year we will have 3 days in which you will be able to enjoy different areas of experiences.

Gofest for Founders

Areas of expertise include training, strategic connections with mentors, investors and corporations.

Gofest for Investors

Access to exclusive work tables and networking spaces, as well as a niche pipeline for investment opportunities.

Gofest for Corporates

Participation as speaker, jury at Pitch and Demo Days, and organization of events or workshops to establish strategic connections.

Gofest for Communities

Networking platforms, support entities and inspirational talks to strengthen the connection with the entrepreneurial community.

Gofest for Everyone

An inclusive and free event for everyone, from the street vendor to the college student, where every individual can be inspired by our vibrant innovative ecosystem.


  • Welcome area.

  • Coworking Space.

  • Creative nights (music, fashion, after party).

  • Entertainment areas (food, music).



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