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CCB Public Records Petitions and Appeals

Rights of petition

Loop CCB Dashboard
File your right to request public records managed by the CCB

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File your right of request for a service other than the public records administered by the CCB

Loop CCB Dashboard
Guide on rights of petition

As established by the constitution and the law, the right to petition is a mechanism through which individuals may submit respectful requests to the competent authority, in order to obtain a response to their requirements and/or the provision of a service.

Administrative Recourses

Loop CCB Dashboard
File your administrative appeal or request for direct revocation
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Report an appeal or revocation in process
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Consult the publication of resource transfers
Loop CCB Dashboard
Consultation notified by notice

Certificate for persons deprived of liberty

Loop CCB Dashboard
Certificate for persons deprived of liberty

Request your certificate to the competent authority.

Check the status of your application

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Check the status of your application

Enter your file number and check the status of your appeal.

Loop CCB Dashboard
Check the status of your right of petition

Enter with your file number and consult below

Loop CCB Dashboard
Consult the certificate of persons deprived of liberty

Enter with your file number and consult below


Check the response times of our registration services

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