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Tips to renew the RUP

At the CCB we streamline the entire process so that you can renew your Single Register of Bidders (RUP) annually without any inconvenience. Here are some tips for you to take into account when renewing your RUP quickly and easily.

Check below the checklist with the tips that will help you in your RUP renewal process


1. By renewing your registration in the RUP you will be able to apply for public contracting processes.

2. When renewing your RUP, verify the consistency of the financial information with your Commercial Registry or ESAL registration and with the financial statements. * This does not apply to Bidders without Commercial Registration or registration in ESAL or Bidders of foreign companies.

3. When renewing your RUP you must provide the financial statements prepared under the International Financial Reporting Standards - IFRS. Keep in mind that you must indicate in the notes to the financial statements the IFRS group in which the company or individual is classified. * Not applicable for foreign companies.

4. If in the renewal of the RUP you wish to modify the UNSPSC classification codes of the registered contracts, you do not have to submit again the support with which you accredited it, it is enough to attach the certification signed by the bidder (single model of experience suggested).

5. To accredit the contracts in the renewal of the RUP, you can present any of the following documents: certification of the contracting third party, copy of the contract, purchase order, service order or liquidation act. The aforementioned documents must be signed.

6. You must comply with the requirements established in the regulation at the time of submitting the purchase orders or services to accredit the contracts in the RUP.

7. The copies of the contracts that you provide to accredit the contracts in the RUP must be complete, with all their additions, modifications, extensions, and others, complying with the requirements established in the standard.

8. When reporting contract information, the virtual application converts the contract to SMMLV based on the information you type in the value of the contract executed in pesos and the year of completion of the contract.

9. You must verify the consistency of the financial information with the financial statements when renewing your RUP.

How to access?


Carry out your procedure virtually

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Attending the CCB corporate offices

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Immediate response line: 3830330

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