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Required documentation

For the correct consultation of the available checklists, the Bogota Chamber of Commerce recommends you to take into account the following:

  • You must fill out the RUES Form and Annex 2 of the RUP, providing the supporting documents that you will find in the specific list for each bidder, whether natural person or legal entity.

  • The certifications (suggested models) must be downloaded at the end of filling out the form found in the virtual service. The information contained in these certifications will be the one previously filled out in the form.

  • The registration, update and renewal process can be carried out virtually. Please note that you must have a digital signature or electronic signature (secure password). In the case of the secure key, you can request it here, and it is free of charge.

  • The filing of the application for the Single Register of Bidders at the Chamber of Commerce does not imply the acceptance of the registration, since such application is subject to documentary verification in accordance with the regulations in force on the matter.



Legal capacity

  1. Certification of compliance with parafiscal contributions (article 50 of Law 789 of 2002) signed by the legal representative of the bidder or its statutory auditor if required to have one. Download the model (It is downloaded directly from the virtual service with the information filled out in the RUP Form).

  2. Copy of the RUT (Single Tax Register)

  3. Certification regarding the business size (large, medium, small or micro enterprise) issued by the legal representative. Download model number 1 (It is downloaded directly from the virtual service with the information filled out in the RUP Form).

  4. Certification of business group or control situation issued by the legal representative and the tax auditor, if the legal entity is obliged to have one, or the auditor or accountant, stating the identification of the members of the business group, the control situation, the controlling and controlled persons.

Download model no. 3. Business group or control situation (legal entities).

Form 3 Declaration of corporate group or situation of control.

Keep in mind that the information about belonging or not, to a business group and/or situation of control, must be consistent with what is reported in the Commercial Register.



It shall be accredited based on the contracts executed directly by the bidder, partners, shareholders or incorporators (in the case of legal entities with less than three years of incorporation), in which the bidder has executed the contract in consortium, temporary union or in legal entities in which it has or has had participation".

In any case, you may submit any of the following documents:

1. Certification issued by a third party (contractor) that received the good, work or service. This certification must contain:

  • Identification of the parties (contractor and contractor).

  • Value of the contract expressed in current legal monthly minimum wages (SMMLV) at the date of termination.

  • Date of termination of the contract.

  • Object of the contract (description of the goods, works or services).

  • UNSPSC classification codes related to the contractual object.

(It is downloaded directly from the virtual service with the information filled out in the RUP Form). 

* If the above certification does not indicate the UNSPSC codes, it must be accompanied by a statement signed by the legal representative of the bidder. (It is downloaded directly from the virtual service with the information filled out in the RUP Form).

2. If the bidder cannot obtain the certification mentioned in the previous paragraph, you can provide a copy of the executed contract with all its modifications (extensions and additions) signed by the parties in which it is stated:

a. Term or duration.

b. Value of the contract.

c. Purpose of the contract.

The copy of the contract* must be accompanied by a statement signed by the legal representative of the bidder of the UNSPSC codes related to the object of the contract, the value of the contract expressed in SMMLV at the date of completion and the date of termination of the contract.

* Purchase orders, service orders and acceptance of irrevocable offers issued by a third party contractor who received the goods, works or services may be submitted, identifying the value, object, termination date and parties.

3. Minutes of liquidation of the contract signed by a third party contractor accompanied by a statement signed by the legal representative of the bidder of the UNSPSC codes related to the contractual object, the value of the contract expressed in SMMLV at the date of termination and the date of termination of the contract.

Important: In the case of contracts executed as a member of a consortium or temporary union (UT) and the certification, copy of the contract or liquidation minutes do not indicate the members of the consortium or temporary union (UT), nor the percentage of participation, you must provide a copy of the document of formation of the consortium or temporary union (UT).

Financial and organizational capacity


1. The financial statements must be submitted in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards - IFRS with a cut-off date of December 31 of the immediately preceding year, signed by the legal representative, by the accountant or auditor or statutory auditor, as applicable, duly certified and with the audit report.


a. If the bidder does not have sufficient seniority to submit financial statements, as of December 31, it must submit the initial statement of financial position or quarterly financial statements.

b. The financial statements are as follows:

  • Statement of financial position.

  • Statement of comprehensive income.

  • Notes to the financial statements.

  • Statement of changes in equity.

  • Statement of changes in equity.

* Those who have implemented the IFRS regulations in group 3 are exempted from presenting the statement of changes in equity and cash flow statement.

2. Legal entities subject to inspection, surveillance or control by the Superintendence of Companies must submit a copy of the additional documents required by this Superintendence.

3. When the proposing legal entity belongs to a business group and by law must prepare and disseminate consolidated financial statements, it shall provide them and they must be accompanied by the audit report and its notes. However, the financial and organizational capacity of the proponent shall be determined on the basis of the individual financial statements.

4. Certification signed by the legal representative and the statutory auditor, if the legal entity is required to have one, or the auditor or accountant of the main detailed accounts of the balance sheet (Statement of Financial Position), main accounts of the profit and loss statement (Income Statement) and debtor and creditor contingent accounts. (It is downloaded directly from the virtual service with the information filled out in the RUP Form).

5. Certification signed by the statutory auditor or accountant as the case may be, indicating the interest expenses reported in the form RUES- Annex 2 in the interest coverage ratio indicator, in accordance with concept No. 2017-261 of March 21, 2017 of the Technical Council of Public Accounting. (It is downloaded directly in the virtual service with the information filled out in the RUP Form).

6. Certification signed by the accountant or statutory auditor as the case may be, establishing the equivalences of the different accounts, in the event that the accounting items are different from those required in . (It is downloaded directly from the virtual service with the information filled out in the RUP Form).

7. Copy of the professional card of the tax auditor or accountant as the case may be.

8. Current certificate from the Central Board of Accountants of the tax auditor or accountant, as the case may be. (Remember to submit it with a date of issue no older than three (3) months.

Important: The information in the financial statements (current assets, total assets, current liabilities, total liabilities, equity, profit or loss) must correspond to that indicated in the RUES-Annex 2 form and that reported in the Commercial Register or in the Register of Non-Profit Organizations.


In the form you must enter the UNSPSC codes that identify the goods, works and services that you will offer to state entities.


Register, renew or update the RUP

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