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Register of foreign non-profit entities under private law

This register corresponds to foreign legal entities under private law and foreign non-profit Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), domiciled abroad, that establish permanent businesses or wish to develop their corporate purpose in Colombia, in which they must register the appointment of attorneys-in-fact with capacity to represent them judicially.

At the CCB we carried out the registration and certification of foreign legal entities under private law and foreign non-profit Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), domiciled abroad, which were referred by the Ministry of the Interior, due to the competence assigned to them by Decree 019 of 2012 and regulated by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce through Circulars 008 and 012 of 2012.

These entities may now request their certificate at any of

Procedures related to this Register:

  • Registration of the certificate.

  • Appointment of attorneys-in-fact with powers to legally represent a foreign non-profit entity or NGO establishing permanent business in Colombia (through a notarized public deed).

  • Cancellation or revocation of the designation of the attorneys-in-fact with powers to legally represent the foreign non-profit entity and NGOs establishing business in Colombia (through a notarized public deed).

  • Modification of the powers granted to the attorneys-in-fact (through a notarized public deed).

  • Modification of the main domicile where the business is established in Colombia (through notarized public deed).

  • Other acts for which the law requires their registration.

Carry out these procedures in person at any of our and remember that the response time by the Chamber of Commerce for this Registry is eight (8) business hours from the date of filing.

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