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Register your company, books, minutes and documents

The Chamber of Commerce of Bogota informs you that it will not suspend the terms of the administrative proceedings related to Commercial Registries, Bidders and Non-Profit Entities, since our entity continues to provide its services virtually.

Appeals and requests for revocations against administrative actions will be received at the following e-mail address:

Legal forms to formalize your company


Learn more about how to register and create your company


Step by step for the registration of minutes and documents


We offer you virtual assistance so that you can carry out your procedure easily and safely. Know the documents that apply according to your needs. Valid for books of the Commercial Registry and Non-Profit Entities - ESAL.

Select the type of company, commercial establishment or entity for which you wish to register a record or document


Below, you will find the documents that apply for each figure. Select the one you are interested in and fill in the corresponding fields.

Prepare the minutes or document using our online form

  1. Follow the recommendations indicated, according to the document to be completed.

  2. The document can only be edited in Word (versions higher than 2003).

  3. Only the fields enabled in each document can be edited.

  4. Save and send the document for the lawyer's review.

Preliminary review of minutes and documents


Enter this free service and send us your minutes for the commercial registration of shareholders' meetings, shareholders' meetings and boards of directors or non-profit entity, a lawyer will study them and will give you the concept within five (5) working days from the date and time of filing the request. In any case the maximum time will be 15 working days in accordance with current regulations.

Terms and conditions of use of the service

  • Response time: five (5) working days from the date and time the request is filed. In any case, the maximum time will be 15 working days according to current regulations.

Applies only to corporations and entities whose decisions are subject to registration in the records administered by the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota.

  • The review does not imply the registration of the documents.

  • The registration of the document is not guaranteed if:

  • The observations of the attorney or lawyer are not attended.

  • The document approved by the lawyer is modified.

After sending the document for review, the Bogota Chamber of Commerce may generate any of the following observations: - Document suitable for registration. - Document with observations. - Document outside the terms of use of the Preliminary Minutes Review Service.

  • The response will be sent to the company's e-mail address and to the one registered in the form.

  • Only documents in *.docx, *.pdf or *.tiff format with a maximum weight of 5,000 Kb will be reviewed.

  • The minutes must be sent only through the channel enabled in the portal of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota for this service, the minutes sent by other means will not be received: Prior review of minutes.

  • Not applicable for returned documents that have been submitted for review.

  • This service does not process petitions, queries, requests for information, etc.

Filing of minutes and documents


In case you do not want the previous review of the document described in the previous paragraph, you can file your document in order to study the minutes, certificates, deeds and other documents that must be registered in the commercial or non-profit entity registries.

Enter to our document registration service by clicking on the following link Virtual Service

Terms and conditions of use of the service

-Response time: eight (8) business hours counted from the date and time of filing the request (24 hours from filing). In any case the maximum time will be 15 working days in accordance with current regulations.

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