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Virtual password - Terms and conditions

The CCB informs you that registered individuals and legal representatives of legal entities who wish to carry out procedures and consultations through our online services, must use the new virtual password, a personal and non-transferable tool that offers them total technical and legal security.

What you should know about the generation of your virtual password

Why is it a secure password?
Because it is an alphanumeric password created by the user and generated through an application that will verify and validate your identity through a series of personal questions related to your Colombian credit or banking history. This key, once created, will be encrypted and stored in a server certified by Certicamara S.A.
What should users who already had a virtual services password with the CCB do?
The password with which users previously identified themselves in our online services becomes inactive; therefore, it is necessary to request your secure password.
Legal framework and current regulations
1. Law 527 of 1999 (electronic commerce).

How to access?


Consult the terms and conditions of the virtual password service

You also have these options:


Attending the CCB corporate offices

Immediate response line

Immediate response line: 3830330

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