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Digital signature and time stamping

The digital signature, according to the provisions of Law 527 of 1999, is a functional equivalent of the handwritten signature.

It has the following legal attributes:

  • Authenticity: it allows to guarantee the identity of the sender of a message and/or the origin of the message and to have full assurance that the person sending the message is really who he/she claims to be.

  • Integrity: guarantees that the data message or electronic information has not been altered or modified.

  • Non-repudiation: the sender cannot deny knowledge of a data message or the commitments acquired from it.

Similarly, Digital Certification technology allows the encryption of data messages incorporating an additional attribute: Confidentiality: it guarantees that a data message can only be known by its sender and the intended recipients. The content of the data message cannot be known by any unauthorized third party.

What is not a digital signature?

  • Username and password

  • PIN (Personal Identification Number)

  • Keys

  • Digitized signatures.

Please note the following aspects:


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