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Complementary services

Icono planeacion
Virtual Password

Manage your virtual password to carry out your procedures.

Loop CCB Dashboard
Financial statements deposit

Performs the registration of the financial statements of the companies that must comply with this obligation before the CCB.

icon document
Correction of certificates

Request the correction and update of certificates from the Mercantile Registry or NPO and send it by email.

Icono News
Digital library

Find free information on various business and legal topics.

Loop CCB Dashboard
Consultation of public record files

Consult the Commercial Registry, ESALES and RUP file.

Icono planeacion
Consultation of CIIU code

Consult the list of economic activities (CIIU Code and Treasury Department).

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Company name query (Homonymy)

Check if the name you want to register is available.

Download online forms

Get the necessary forms in PDF format to advance your procedures before the CCB.

Refund of money under Law 1429

Consult the list of money refunds and/or surplus collections

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Status of public register procedures

Check out the status of the registration procedures you have with the CCB.

Icono planeacion
Payment orders

Consult your purchase orders using the email address you registered or the virtual password, according to the case.

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Fraud prevention system

Keeping your information up to date is essential to protect all the information in your company's public records.

Icono agregar
Electronic Invoice

Easily validate the equivalent electronic document with the number of your cash register receipt or return receipt.

Icono planeacion
Digital signature and time stamping

Learn more about digital signature and time stamping.

Icono plan
Application for certificates of good standing

Request certificates of business customs certified by the CCB with total security and evidentiary validity.

Recordings of events on Registry Services

Access the recordings of our virtual conferences.

Contact us

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Virtual consulting

Find the availability of agenda and date to receive counseling from the comfort of your home or office.

icono servicios registrales
Virtual assistance

Follow the steps below to prepare your documentation and receive the assistance of a specialized lawyer.

Virtual turn

Request your virtual turn to perform or advance various types of procedures with the CCB.

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Find the agenda availability and choose a date, time, location and type of counseling according to your needs.

Virtual call

Get answers to your questions by connecting through a call with one of our advisors.

Nosotros CCB Dashboard

Enter our system for suggestions, complaints, requests and compliments.


CCB Fees 2024


Payment methods