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Make your payments at the CCB with DaviPlata and Nequi

16 February 2024-At CCB we make it easy for you We make it easy for you. Make your payments from the comfort of your home, office or anywhere, saving time and money.

In order to provide you with better service and greater agility when making your payments, the Bogota Chamber of Commerce makes available to you these options on our website, which will help you make your payments:

  • In a few steps.

  • In less time,

  • Securely, thanks to the verification mechanisms of DaviPlata and Nequi.

  • From your mobile device, wherever you are.

With these new payment options, your purchases at CCB will be much faster. Download the DaviPlata and Nequi apps to take advantage of this new payment experience. Learn how to pay by clicking on the links below:

Step by step Nequi
Step by step Daviplata
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