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In the framework of its 145th anniversary, the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce will benefit more than 150 thousand entrepreneurs

06 October 2023- The entity has benefited more than 101,800 companies by 2023 and continues its commitment to MSMEs, 99.2% of the business fabric of Bogota-Region.
- More than 1,694 businesses in the traditional channel, represented by neighborhood stores, have been trained in business management, digitalization and sales.
- The celebration of the 145 years includes activities at the company's headquarters, more than twenty events and the launching of a book, among others.

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Bogota, October 2023. As part of its 145th anniversary, the Bogota Chamber of Commerce (CCB) is proud to announce that it has benefited more than 101,878 companies, stores, stores and businesses in the year 2023 as of the close of August. This milestone represents a testament to the positive and sustainable impact that the CCB has had on the business community in Bogota and the 59 municipalities in the region where it has jurisdiction.

This year, as part of its 145th birthday, the CCB expects to benefit more than 150,000 entrepreneurs, merchants and shopkeepers. That is why it has provided essential services such as the one it has provided through its promoters to 8,221 micro-entrepreneurs, guiding them on their way to visibility and digital transformation. In addition, 9,373 advisory services have been provided to foster the growth and formalization of these companies. A special focus has been dedicated to empowering more than 1,694 businesses in the traditional channel, represented by neighborhood stores, the famous corner stores, training entrepreneurs in crucial areas such as business management, digitalization and sales strategies, where 57% of the beneficiaries are women.

145 years of transformation of Bogota and the Region

Throughout its 145-year history, the CCB has been an engine of change in Bogota and the region. Since the mid-19th century, the CCB has played a vital role in mediating needs between entrepreneurs, citizens and national, regional and local governments. Its legacy includes significant milestones, such as the electrification of the city in 1901 and the creation of the first aqueduct in 1911. The CCB also played a fundamental role in key decisions, such as the creation of Banco de la República in 1923 and the management of the commercial registry since 1931, a service praised for its efficiency and sustainability.

The CCB has been a pioneer in the promotion of cultural and creative industries since 2004, fostering business through platforms such as ARTBO, Bogota Audiovisual Market-BAM, Bogota Music Market-BOmm and Bogota Fashion Week. Its commitment to innovation and progress is highlighted in the creation of the District of Science, Technology and Innovation of Bogota Region (DCTIB) in the current times.

Ovidio Claros, executive president of the CCB, shared about the entity's birthday: "We are very happy to be able to celebrate this anniversary with our allies, entrepreneurs and collaborators. Thanks to their trust, vision and commitment, today we are an integral part of the consolidation of a more prosperous and equitable society in Bogota and the Region. We will continue working collectively so that there are more and better entrepreneurs and companies; and so that the importance of their role in the country's progress continues to be recognized".

The Bogota Chamber of Commerce celebration

The celebration of the 145th anniversary of the CCB will include various activities for entrepreneurs who come to the headquarters of the Bogota Chamber of Commerce, with strong activation components at the headquarters in the region, supported by the presence of the Mobile Chamber. TransMilenio also joins the celebration, with the El Tiempo-Maloka station, in front of the CCB headquarters, as part of the celebration.

During the rest of the year, the CCB has scheduled more than 27 events with benefits for the businessmen of Bogota-Region as part of its 145th anniversary. These events include fairs in localities and municipalities, forums, festivals such as GastroFest and art circulation platforms such as ARTBO, among others. In addition, a book will be presented detailing the transformation of the city and the region thanks to the contribution of the Bogota Chamber of Commerce during its 145 years of life.

The CCB reaffirms its ongoing commitment to economic development, inclusion and sustainability in Bogota and the Region, guiding new generations towards a prosperous and equitable future.

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