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What is the Participate Menu about?

Seeks to provide information on the spaces, mechanisms and actions that allow citizen participation in the public management cycle.

What are the sections that comprise it?

The Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá, as a legal person under private law, of a corporate, union and non-profit nature, is a non-traditional obligated subject, therefore it does not include sections in this menu.

How can you participate?

The Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá, as a legal person under private law, of a corporate, union and non-profit nature, is not responsible for the formulation of public policies, nor does it require the control and evaluation of citizens in institutional management.

Below we present some links of interest in relation to citizen participation:


Published in March 2022

Memories of meetings with affiliated people


Learn about the conversations that took place at the event.


December 14, 2022


Wednesday, September 7, 2022


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

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