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Presidents' Forum

We are a team of business leaders who have been working to improve the business environment for more than 33 years,promoting the competitiveness of the companies linked to the Chamber of Commerce of Bogota.

We seek a space for the exchange of experiences, reflection, training and teamwork that strengthens the development of the business sector.


Memories of previous events

Initiatives in which our mentors participate


Companies on MEGA trajectory


Our goal is to create a community of entrepreneurs who dare to dream and achieve their goals, composed by transformational leaders who achieve sustainable businesses.

In 2007 we initiated the MEGA Businesses Trajectory Program, which today is positioned as an effective tool for the sustainable growth of companies.

This is a program of entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, in which presidents, vice presidents or managers of companies that contribute to outstanding growth

Time of accompaniment: The program lasts between 8 and 9 months, during which time the groups meet once every month or month and a half virtually for up to 4 hours.


Companies on MEGA trajectory

Bogota Chamber of Commerce Mentoring and Volunteering Network


The network is made up of presidents, vice presidents, executives, company managers and subject matter experts who seek to advise and show entrepreneurs and businessmen the path that leads to the consolidation and growth of their businesses, thus contributing to the generation of employment and economic and social growth.

To be a mentor is to transcend, and to leave a legacy in entrepreneurs, is to share their experiences and skills, to know and contribute to a society that needs continuous learning.

At the Chamber, we believe that the power of ideas and conversations leave a mark and contribute to the growth and development of companies.


Mentoring and Volunteering Network of the CCB

Corporate Governance


Corporate Governance is a determining factor for sustainability and value generation of companies.  It allows a better understanding of the business and its strategic vision, it also strengthens the relationships between managers, partners and other stakeholders; it mitigates risks and generates confidence in investors and financiers, with the sole goal of improving corporate reputation.

Corporate Governance is understood to be the principles and rules that regulate the structure and operation of a company's governing bodies. Specifically, it establishes the relationships between the Board of Directors, shareholders and other stakeholders; it also stipulates the rules governing the company's decision-making process for the generation of value.

In recent years, and more specifically following the onset of the financial crisis, the international community has come to understand the importance of ensuring that listed companies are managed in an appropriate and transparent manner. Good corporate governance is the basis for the functioning of the markets, as it favors credibility and stability and contributes to boosting growth and the generation of wealth.


Corporate Governance Program

Advisory Committees


We seek to bring together a group of experts to generate a space similar to a Board of Directors meeting, in which they share their knowledge and experience with the business sector, with the aim of guiding the management of their companies. Groups of up to four companies from different sectors work together, accompanied by three mentors who are experts in specific topics.

The program lasts six months, with two-hour virtual meetings once a month. This service is free of charge for CCB members.

Among the experts who voluntarily advise MSMEs are mentors from the MEGA Business in Trajectory Program, the Arbitration and Conciliation Center of the Bogota Chamber of Commerce, mentors from the Todos Unidos Program, and experts from the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Everis, and CESA, among others.


Advisory Committees Service for companies


Are you an expert or consultant who wants to join the CCB's Advisory Committees?

Todos Unidos Program


This program began in July 2021 as a contribution of  CCB for  the economic reactivation of the country and it is possible due to the volunteerism of the directors of recognized organizations that act as mentors of MSMEs, which are part of its value chain, among which are: Corona, Home Center - Sodimac, Colombina, Alpina, Bavaria, Grupo Argos, Grupo Bolivar, Davivienda and Tigo.

The mentorships are personalized and group counseling, advisory committees and talks to exchange knowledge and experiences. The meetings are led by experts and are held for up to six sessions, with the aim of solving different challenges faced by the participating companies and generating a positive impact on the sales and sustainability of small and medium-sized enterprises. 

It also seeks to promote the competitiveness of suppliers through the transfer of knowledge.  

At the end of the first cycle of ‘Todos Unidos’, we benefited more than 430 micro and small companies through 52 individual consultancies, 10 advisory committees and 32 consultancies in the framework of speed dates and 12 virtual chats in which more than 500 people from different SMEs participated.


Join Todos Unidos Program

University entrepreneurship


This program seeks to accelerate university business projects of undergraduate or graduate students; business strengthening services include advisory, mentoring, training and support activities.

These are projects that include innovative ventures that apply knowledge and technology to solve the needs of the environment, with business projection and growth vocation. Acceleration time: 2 months

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