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If you have in mind to start an export process in your business, but you do not know how to do it, in CCB we support you so you can take your products and services to other countries, advising you at all times. We guide you through the whole process.

You should consider the following to start projecting your company as a future exporter:

  • Conduct a market study.

  • Business creation or formalization.

  • Determination of tariff classification.

  • Issuance of certificate of origin.

  • International sales contract.

  • International negotiation terms - incoterms.

  • Customs procedure for export of goods in Colombia.

  • Reimbursement of foreign currency.

  • Export modalities.

Transcend borders by exporting your products and services, implementing the internationalization model that the CCB has prepared for your company. Access new clients, increase your sales and position your brand abroad. With the CCB you can take your business on a business tour around the world.

To position your business abroad and increase the export of your products or services, we suggest you implement the internationalization model that the CCB has prepared for you, which is divided into two (2) stages:

  • Phase 1 Get ready to export: we train companies on everything they need to know in order to internationalize their products or services. To complete this first stage, businesses must have clear answers to these two questions: Is internationalization part of their business objectives? and How to internationalize in the sector to which they belong?

  • Phase 2 Accompaniment in the internationalization process for companies with export potential: for this purpose, an export maturity diagnosis is carried out to detect the gaps to be addressed; then the relevant markets and access conditions are identified, so that once the company is ready it can establish a relationship with potential commercial contacts.


General export process in Colombia

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