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Access international markets to buy and sell

Through the Internationalization Program for Reactivation, the Bogota Chamber of Commerce contributes to the economic reactivation process of companies with services and information focused on promoting international business activities, obtaining cooperation resources, implementing projects that facilitate the dynamics of international trade and managing the network of allies for the benefit of companies, with three free services designed according to the needs of entrepreneurs, either to start the process through an accompaniment route, connect with other entrepreneurs in the world or to access cooperation resources.

This year we want more than 300 companies to benefit from this initiative and find new suppliers, customers and partners, generating important business relationships through the purchase and sale of products and services.

Put your brand and company on the international trade radar


At the CCB we invite businessmen and businesswomen from Bogota and the region to identify new business opportunities through our alliances and services, participating in the different international events scheduled and joining all the initiatives that seek to open markets, such as business missions and sectoral roundtables, networking, trade fairs, business rounds, the Bogota Marcando Estilo event, among others; tools and valuable alternatives that will help you access new international trade scenarios that will provide you with new business prospects, thus expanding your vision and business scope.

How to access?


Take the first step to access the international market!

You also have these options:


Attending the CCB corporate offices

Immediate response line

Immediate response line: 3830330

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