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Manage your finances and obtain resources

Investment is a way to better manage your finances and get new resources, being the ideal platform to project the activity of your company or business, reaching new customers and markets, even establishing new alliances that allow your company to expand its environment, improve its processes, develop new products or services and increase its sales.

In this order of ideas, the CCB accompanies you in this process, inviting you to learn about all the programs focused on investment issues, with the aim of obtaining economic benefits in the short, medium and long term, depending on the projection you propose, from the arrival of new investments in your company, with your own capital or contributed by other investors who see potential in your business idea.

Meet and apply to the different lines of digital credit and access new financing and business credit alternatives:

Network of investors of the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá


Bogotá and the Region, has the Investors Network led by the CCB, which seeks to reduce the investment gap in ventures with high growth potential in Colombia, through the generation and strengthening of investor capacities. In this way, smart capital is connected with Startups, developing the city's investment and entrepreneurship ecosystem.

We invite you to join the Investor Network of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce, in which you will be able to strengthen your knowledge and skills as investors, generate contact spaces with members of the Network and the ecosystem, and receive investment opportunities on a monthly basis.

You will also receive investment opportunities on a monthly basis, train and update your knowledge as an investor, participate in Demo Days with the best Startups, and participate in Networking events to generate high-value connections.

Join the network!

Sign up here:


Directory of Legal and Financial Services


In it you will find information about:

  • Financial structuring of projects for capital raising.

  • Valuation and financial modeling.

  • Legal support for investments.

  • Acquisitions and purchase and sale transactions of companies.


Directory of Legal and Financial Services

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Attend CCB business headquarters

Immediate response line

Immediate response line: 3830330

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