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Crecimiento financiero

From the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce we know that the constant transformation of the market challenges business people to redesign their business models; to train and strengthen their business purposes, sophisticating their product and service portfolios and visualizing new business opportunities.

For this reason, we want to be part of your team, providing you with constant support so that you achieve your objectives and achieve success, with various training and training alternatives that will strengthen your skills, climbing progressively but safely in the business world, leading you to that place where you want to see your company.

Financial Education

Financial Education Program for Mipymes
From the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce, in alliance with Bancoldex and Banca de las Oportunidades, we offer you the Business Financial Education course, aimed at all MSMEs in Bogotá and the Region interested in improving their financial management.

Free virtual courses


Strengthening your knowledge and learning new ways to manage your finances is also part of the offer that the CCB has for you. Access our 100 percent virtual and free training programs and courses, where you will learn to:

Keep the accounts and finances of your business or company in the best way, handling accounting and financial management in detail. Know and strengthen your skills to achieve efficient control of your business finances. With these accounting management workshops you will guarantee the continuity and stability of your business, also being a guide for making the right financial decisions that contribute to the success of your company, and even on a personal level.

Acquire the necessary tools to obtain financing resources, generating greater economic stability for your company, based on the definition of an optimal financial plan. Analyze, evaluate and prioritize actions to better deal with future investments.



Start on the right foot:

We offer you training in:Business

  • Financial Education Recommended

  • How to keep your business accounts

  • Understand the fundamentals of accounting and finance

Move forward safely:

Strengthen your knowledge with these courses focused on:

  • Analyze your company's financial statements

  • Identify the best way to finance your business

  • How to finance your business plan

You are on the way to success:

Strengthen the high level and knowledge already achieved, training you in:

  • Cost and set prices in your company

  • Design your economic and financial plan

  • Cómo How to improve the liquidity of your business

You also have these options:


Attend CCB business headquarters (3)

Immediate response line

Immediate response line: 3830330 (3)

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