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Databases and business information

Increase your customers with Online Database

  • With this database you will be able to increase your clients and sales, easily segmenting and downloading databases adjusted to your needs. The system contains information of more than two (2) million natural and legal persons, registered in more than 40 Chambers of Commerce in Colombia.

  • You will speed up the process of segmentation customers or suppliers by Chamber of Commerce, municipality, type of organization, economic activity, size, range of sales, assets and number of employees, as well as the year of renewal, among others.

  • We have more than 40 variables with basic and financial information such as registration, NIT, company name, address, telephone, email, size, economic activity, ISIC, name of the legal representative, among others, so you can find detailed information about the companies.


Learn more about our online databases


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Reduce the risk in your business transactions

  • Know and validate information about customers, suppliers or business partners.

  • Know in detail with whom you do business by consulting general, financial, legal and other information.

  • Minimize the risk with third parties by consulting them in risk lists of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism LAFT and avoid penalties.

  • Streamline your company's processes by receiving the information you need through Web Sevice - Api Web.


Learn about our LAFT online verification service

Locate contacts with Job Search

  • Locate the names and corporate emails of people in decision-making positions (presidents, vice presidents, managers, directors, chiefs, among others) in the largest companies in Colombia.

  • Find the news of relevant companies in the industry.


Learn about our data search engine service

A database tailored to your needs

  • It is useful to obtain databases of Individuals, Legal Entities, Non-Profit Entities, National Tourism Register RNT, Single Register of Bidders RUP, Business Groups.

  • Update the databases of your customers and suppliers with NIT crossing.

Let us provide you with more information about the advantages of these services to strengthen your company.

Contact us at PBX (601) 5941000 extension 4619 or email us at

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