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Fraud prevention system - SIPREF

It is a set of free tools and controls made available to you, which aims to prevent and avoid third parties other than the registrant from modifying information related to the company.

What controls does the CCB have in place to protect business owners?

Alerts setting

The CCB sends alerts to the last registered email addresses (business and judicial notification address) and to the last cell phone number reported by the client informing the status of the procedures, once the renewal or registration request, or the request to modify the information in the public records, has been filed.

Identity validation

At the moment of receiving any document, by means of biometric identification mechanisms, the CCB validates the identity of the person who physically presents the request or petition to modify information from public records, keeping evidence of such identification.

In the case of incorporation of companies, appointments or change of partners of a legal entity, the validation of identity is done through the information system of the National Civil Register.

Special management of inactive commercial IDs

If the people registered or signed in the registry have not updated their data, either by the non-registration of acts or documents, the omission of the commercial ID's renewal or the registration in a term of three years or more, the presence in one of our offices of the legal representative, a member of the administrative body or the registered statutory auditor (as the case may be) will be required, in order to reactivate the commercial ID or registration.

Virtual password and procedures

All virtual procedures carried out by our business people are supported by Virtual Passwords, which are created by the user and generated through an application that compares personal information with that registered in specialized databases and authorized by law, validating the identity through the use of certified Digital Signatures, thus providing technical and legal security in virtual procedures.

Electronic issuance and valuation of certificates

The certificates of individuals, legal entities, commercial establishments, branches and agencies that have their commercial ID or registration within the CCB's jurisdiction (except for the textual certificates of the documents contained in the records) are issued only electronically and digitally signed, thus having full legal validity in accordance with the provisions of Law 527 of 1999.

What to do if unauthorized persons are requesting to modify my company's information?


Before the process is validated and approved by the Bogota Chamber of Commerce, you may report this irregularity in writing at any of our offices or by email to, indicating your contact information (name, identification, telephone numbers, process number and email address) in your opposition request, which will be attended and answered in the terms established by the Code of Administrative Procedure and Administrative Disputes.

Once such opposition is expressed, you will have two (2) working days to file the corresponding criminal complaint, in your capacity as owner of the information.

In this way, the CCB may refrain from registering the requested modification.

Please note that if you do not file the opposition or the corresponding criminal complaint, the Bogota Chamber of Commerce will continue with the requested action.

Finally, if in the opposition presented, a person other than the one who requested this procedure appears signing the registration petition, you may go in person to any of our offices with your identification document, stating the situation; with this, the Chamber of Commerce will refrain from making the registration or the requested modification.


  • Keep your email and cell phone information up to date.

  • Constantly change your virtual services password.

  • If you receive a certificate issued by our entity, you can validate it in our online service.

  • Verify that emails from the Bogota Chamber of Commerce are in your "Inbox" folder.


Update your data

You also have these options:


Go to the CCB's corporate offices

Immediate response line

Immediate response line: 601 3830330

Learn more about the SIPREF

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