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Help us strengthen nutrition in Bogota!

Donate now and help us to promote access to dignified, healthy and consistent food to the most vulnerable populations in Bogota. Let's transform this reality!

What it is about


Given the food insecurity situation in some localities of Bogota, the Bogota Chamber of Commerce, the office of the first lady of the District Carolina Deik, and allied private sector actors, launched in April Mission Nutrition Bogota, an initiative that seeks to contribute to meeting the nutritional needs of Bogota through sustainable logistics solutions for the collection and redistribution of food, promoting nutritional education, combating hunger and promoting responsible consumption practices in Bogota.

Did you know:


Kennedy is the second most populated area of the capital, with 1,230,539 inhabitants (13.7% of the city's population) and 3,859 hectares. It is hoped that more donor companies will be involved in order to make further progress in this area. In Kennedy alone there are more than 42,417 companies that could join this important cause.

Let's get into action

  • Donate on a recurring basis and get your "Nourish and Share" Seal.

  • Initiatives of collection and distribution of perishable products in Corabastos for donation to vulnerable population in the surrounding area.

  • Become a donor company in the Kennedy District of non-perishable products that will be destined to nearby foundations with the scope and impact of feeding children in the neighborhoods with the highest level of malnutrition.

  • If you are interested please write to us at:

Ovidio Claros, president of the Bogota Chamber of Commerce stated that:


We are pleased to work in an articulated manner on food security in Bogota. We invite all companies that, due to their proximity or closeness to the neighborhoods with the highest levels of child malnutrition, to join us, so that together we can contribute to reduce the challenges we face on the road to guaranteeing safe, healthy and sustainable food, a purpose that undoubtedly unites us all.





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