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Because you need good data for decision making!


By being part of the Affiliates Circle you get free access to the EXIM intelligent platform customized for the CCB, with free information on imports and exports of Colombia.

It's time to transform information into action! Access intuitive facts, figures and graphs to help you interpret information and identify new markets and business opportunities. In addition to free access to the intelligent EXIM platform, DataSur provides CCB Circle Members the opportunity to access detailed information on imports and exports from more than 29 countries for a very low fee of $150 USD per year.

In turn, you will have access to free courses, certificates, invitations to webinars and significant discounts on tools related to business intelligence. In addition, free access will be provided to Datasur's D-PYME platform for more detailed information on business dynamics.

This benefit is valid only for Circle of Affiliates members. Code activation will take place every Friday.

Enter Datasur's information platform here.

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