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Kennedy's Office and Business Center

Know the information and services of this office.
Avenida Carrera 68 # 30-15 Sur (Bogotá)
Business Hours
Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a. m. a 5:00 p. m.
+57 (601) 383 0330 - #383 (Mobile)
Luis Francisco Quesada Quecan
Deputy Director:
Yuri Mayerly Gonzalez
Avenida Carrera 68 # 30-15 Sur (Bogotá)
Business Hours
Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a. m. a 5:00 p. m.
+57 (601) 383 0330 - #383 (Mobile)
Luis Francisco Quesada Quecan
Deputy Director:
Yuri Mayerly Gonzalez

This information is for you

Important Notice
We inform you that, due to the expansion of Av. 68 for the works of the Metro de Bogotá, interventions are being made to the sewage and energy networks on Calle 30 Sur with Carrera 68, access road by vehicle to the Headquarters and Centro Empresarial Kennedy.

Para ingresar al parqueadero de esta sede, las personas empleadas de la CCB y los empresarios y las empresarias podrán tomar como vía alterna la Transversal 68B hasta la calle 30 sur, transitando por el desvío vehicular de la Av. 68 en sentido norte sur, pasando la Avenida Primero de Mayo. 

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Services of our Kennedy's Office and and Business Center


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