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In Más Talante we all add up

The meeting of popular and solidarity economy. In Más Talante we all add up. Free admission, prior registration.

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Request and download your certificates online!

Access to our online service to request and download your certificates.

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Citizen Security Perception and Victimization Survey 2024

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We are Keys

When we teach you how to manage your business money, we are the keys to your future.

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Gain business skills

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Formation - (This content is only available in Spanish)

Gain business skills

Join our digital community

A virtual business space where you can access courses, conferences and specialized workshops for each sector and make business connections through business meetings with customers and potential suppliers.

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We are Keys of your stories

Discover how the Bogota Chamber of Commerce becomes your closest ally to boost your business. Together, we reach your goals! We know and tell the inspiring stories of entrepreneurs in Bogota and the region.

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Carry out your procedures in an agile and simple way

We advise you in each of the stages of your company, so that it becomes part of the competitive environment of the region.

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¡Let's celebrate 145 years together!

Supporting business people and entrepreneurs, who work every day to fulfill their business dreams with our programs, projects and initiatives.

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